Hi guys! This is just an opportunity for you at home to keep updated on how things are going at our end of PZ. We will be updating as often as we can, with photos, videos and no doubt some strange stories of experiences we couldn't have imagined. Take Care PZ Team xxx

Thursday 2 July 2009

Matt and Siena Hold A Tag Rugby Tournament

Dear PZ Followers,
Last Wednesday we held a tag rugby tournament for the children (aged 9-14) of three schools within which I have been working with Siena. The tournament involved approximately 100 children and provided a fun filled afternoon during which their skills could be showcased against fellow peers. The high skill level shown by the children was a real testament to the dedication that many put into their training every week, and also clearly showed the natural talent and flair of the children we work with.
The tournament was like no other I have experienced there were well over one hundred spectators and this made for a competitive, friendly atmosphere, there was also a real carnival vibe from the singing and dancing that took place pitch side.
The day was a great success and enjoyed by all those in attendance, including the national news broadcaster ZNBC! The level of interest was such that we hope to organise another tournament for the children during our final week in Lusaka.
Best Wishes,
Matt and the PZ Team